
In the fall of 2013, while I was away from home working in Northwest Oregon, my Pastor suggested I visit Bethel Baptist Church in Salem Oregon. The visit was edifying and a blessing in more ways than one. Right before the offering, Pastor Hardy announced how he was going to do something he had never done before, show some slides. This was done not to provoke the church to give but to show them that by being faithful in their giving to missions they were able to address a need on the mission field. The slides were of the Philippines.  The first is a picture of a militant Muslim army, lined up in formation looking menacing and murderous. My heart was moved to get back to the Philippines, yoke up with a veteran missionary, and start a Bible Institute, in order to have a part in training up Filipinos in sound doctrine and ministries. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.  The Roman Catholic and the Muslim religions are strongholds. I am burdened by the thought of the deception the Filipino people are experiencing because of these two man made religions and knowing the freedom in Christ they could have. In a nutshell the need for sound doctrine is evident in the time we have been here. Pastor Sutek was moved in this same direction 3 years ago. The vision we share is the same, to have a vibrant active local church with a Bible Institute to train men and ladies in the ministry to go preach the Gospel here in the PI and beyond. I have only been here for the last semester and only have a small part in this graduating class of January 2015. Praise God I am able to see the fruit going out from this class , Sal on his way to Cambodia as a missionary, Charlie to go help at his brother’s work in central Mindanao.


A] To Glorify God and praise him for his wonderful works to the children of men! We as a family have been blessed to have a part in the ministry of reconciliation, and discipleship here in the Philippines on the northern tip of Mindanao. Sa Dios ang himaya, to God be the glory!

B] To exhort the saints in the United States and to encourage them that their labor to support foreign missions is not in vain. I Corinthians 15:58-16:1

C] To continue in prayer and return to the field that God has called us to, trusting in his provision and the Lords people to catch the vision. Colossians 4:2-4.